
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~ Maya Angelou


Over 6 months, Author and Memoir Coach Irene Graham, will guide 9 dedicated writers to develop, focus, structure and create a memoir for publishing.

With Irene’s 33 years experience of book development for international writers, her in-depth understanding of story creation and innovative visual writing techniques, you will learn how to draw upon personal life experiences and structure your story into a creative and engaging memoir.

Each Masterclass writing session is dedicated to the elements of writing memoir and story development, with personal feedback on your story.




Our first five (2 Hours each) sessions in the Masterclass are based on Irene’s Memoir Writing Workshop delivered LIVE by Irene, which will explore every aspect of developing your memoir. Irene will then provide a personal writing session (30 mins) to help structure your memoir, based upon your submission. The following seven classes (1.5 Hours each) are dedicated to providing further work-in-progress masterclass sessions to help you dig deeper into all aspects of your story, and to provide help on how to get published.

Following your private writing session you will submit 5 x 2000 word submissions to Irene, and receive written feedback on your story.

The Masterclass also provides workshopping opportunities to receive feedback from Irene and your group.


It is intended for writers to complete the Masterclass with a high-quality in-depth outline of their memoir, with five to seven completed written chapters of their book, and knowing exactly how to proceed to finish the manuscript. It may be possible to write a full length first draft of your memoir throughout the Masterclass, but Irene believes it takes longer than 6 months from start to finish – to write a high quality first draft! And remember the better the first draft, the less revision is required. Writing time is so precious – it is better to go for high quality than just getting words on the page for the sake of it.

Learn the creation of story. Understand how to trigger life experiences and shape those experiences into the book that is in your heart…YOUR story.


You receive a copy of The Memoir Writing Workbook by Irene Graham via post. The workbook will be referred to throughout the Masterclass, and used primarily for revision and story development between classes.

The Memoir Writing Workbook is a comprehensive 230 page workbook. Readers follow a unique ‘memoir map’ that guides them through the a to z of writing memoir.

Filled with writing tips, each chapter explores the elements of memoir writing: Events, People, Setting and Environment, Theme, Truth, POV and Structure. It also includes 36 writing exercises that use right-brain/left brain visual writing techniques and concepts, which show you how to creatively weave your life experiences into an engaging memoir.

The Memoir Writing Workbook is exclusive to participants of Irene Graham’s courses and retreats, it is not sold separately.


The Masterclass is for a total of 9 dedicated writers who want to complete their memoir. You may have a seed idea, have already started your memoir or have written many words, but know your manuscript needs guidance and revision.

Most of all this class is for writers who are focused on creating a deep and compelling story based on their personal life experiences.


Via Digital Classroom:

  • Document Sharing
  • LIVE Audio & Video
  • Screen Sharing
  • LIVE Chat
  • Reference to The Memoir Writing Workbook
  • Chat Room for Group support between LIVE classes
  • LIVE Discussion Times are synced to: USA | Europe | Canada Time Zones – on Wednesdays – receive schedule upon application


  • 6-month Online LIVE Workshop + Classes with Irene Graham based on her 33 years of teaching writing workshops
  • Limited to 9 Participants
  • Masterclass based on in-depth book and story development using personal life experiences
  • Irene Graham’s LIVE Course: The Memoir Writing Workshop
  • Right-brain/left-brain visual writing techniques
  • Hard copy full colour 230 page Memoir Writing Workbook by Irene Graham – we post it to you
  • Bi-weekly LIVE sessions
  • Submission of story outline
  • Private LIVE session with Irene on how to structure your personal story
  • Submissions of written chapters with personal written feedback from Irene G.
  • Workshopping of Manuscripts
  • How to get an Agent
  • Chat Room for Group support


If you would like a private chat with Irene about your memoir and how her LIVE Masterclass will help you, complete the Apply Form – Tick the Writing Chat Box – and we will set up a meeting.


I have not done a course on Memoir as carefully planned, as practical and as inspirational as this one. Irene’s Memoir Writing Workbook is a complete step by step guide to writing the most evocative, sensitive and meaningful prose you will ever produce. Her book is as useful for fiction as it is for memoir, and the creative exercises she has illustrated will benefit any genre of writing you're engaged in. Her course is an enriching writing experience. Don't miss it!

Frances Burke, Canada


Memoir Writing Masterclass 6-month

No Application or Registration Fees

LIVE Discussion Times are synced to USA | Europe | Canada Time Zones
Access our Masterclass from your Desktop | iPad | Smart Phone
Limited to 9 Participants

US$2495 / €2295 – 6 Months

Masterclass Starts/Ends (24 weeks)
Wed 8 Jan 2025 to Wed 25 June 2025 Apply

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