Irene’s virtual LIVE Memoir Writing Workshop was a fantastic experience! Her creative approach to the elements and structure of story were just the inspiration I needed to begin work on my memoir. I had a grand experience attending her workshop on Inis Mór several years ago. And she’s managed to capture much of that same magic virtually. Highly recommended!

Jody Davids, USA

I searched for weeks to find a rich resource to learn how to write a memoir.  I chose Irene Graham’s Memoir Writing Club.  Her workbook with right and left-brain exercises, extensive audio tutorials on her website, live meetings and expert review of final work made Irene’s Memoir Writing Club a superlative choice.  I loved every minute of it!

Kate McNichols, USA

Irene’s course changed the way I think about memoir writing. She provided great material, constructive comments, and valuable insights that really helped me to find my voice and have more fun with it. As a passionate and dedicated teacher, you cannot miss the writing opportunities Irene offers.

Kathryn Ranieri, USA

Within moments, Irene’s Memoir Writing Workbook unlocked the mechanics of memoir writing for me and brought creative passion and joy back into my writing. A must for anyone wanting to enjoy the art of memoir writing.

Stephie Koulouris, Greece

I have just completed the Memoir Course by Irene Graham. In truth I can say that apart from the delight of engaging with the course it also represents excellent value for money.

I found exactly what I was looking for. The course enabled me to discard a lot of what I had previously written and showed me the path towards creating a central theme and on to the finished product.

Terry O'Doherty, Ireland

In her memoir writing course and private classes, Irene helped me find my voice, structure my story and find joy in the writing process.  I feel privileged to have had the benefit of her expertise, encouragement and kindness when writing my memoir – All in a Doctor’s Day

Dr. Lucia Gannon, Ireland

I enjoyed the online memoir writing course hugely. The layout and structure of the course was both helpful and intriguing. I also found the LIVE sessions with Irene and her constructive, honest feedback on written work really helpful. I can certainly recommend this course to anyone wishing to jump over their own shadow and start writing. Irene is encouraging, supportive, motivating and full of little bits of wisdom!

Frances Bisaz, Switzerland

Irene Graham has developed a delectable adventure that brings out a human being’s best aspects, unleashing our big capacities and great abilities.  Her memoir course and The Memoir Writing Workbook are filled with wonder. I’m forever grateful.

Leá Orianne, France

Irene guided and cajoled me to not only to start, but to also complete my memoir. Her advice and suggestions were at all times helpful and without her encouragement I would never have got to the end of the journey.

Sue Fleming, UK

Completely amazed, that in such a short time, I could transform the stark facts of my genealogical searches into a family history memoir that encapsulates the people, the place and the time they lived in.

Mary Martin Kelly, Ireland

The course was well designed and informative— especially useful for learning about characters and structure.

Karen Mattison, Japan

Irene Graham’s memoir writing class is a unique course that completely changed my approach to writing in the best way possible. It challenged me to trust in the process, and I was greatly rewarded in the end. The class brought me so much joy!

Peggy Hoemeke, USA

I have now received my first copy of my memoir, and I am filled with gratitude for Irene. Through her memoir writing classes, I gained the confidence to find my voice, to describe my feelings, and to express myself more vividly.

Marilyn Whiteley, Canada

I feel much more confident to blast onward with almost any writing project. The workshop was awesome in spirit and substance. I felt Irene truly cared about my efforts. I will write with inspiration and structure now from the knowledge the workshop brought.

Jim Colborn, USA

What seemed like an impossible road, beginning a new book – has opened into the light. My gratitude.

Milree Latimer, Canada

Irene’s left-brain/right-brain approach makes complete sense! This was really a worthwhile workshop.

Christine Ryan, Ireland

As a novice writer I could not have accomplished what I did without Irene’s expert direction and suggestions. I’m now in possession of my engaging coming of age book that I dreamed of writing!

Dee Dee Prince, USA

There are a few great educators in my life who have contributed to my developmental journey by asking questions, creating spaces for stories to emerge from these answers and then encouraged a public sharing of the stories. Your course is one of those.

Helen Sheil, Australia

I enjoyed the workshop immensely. I never thought I would have the confidence to put words on paper. I am changed. I am writing. I will continue to write. You have given me a great gift, for which I will be eternally grateful. You inspire confidence in me I never thought I could have outside of the corporate world. Thank you for your kindness, your constructive criticism, your sense of humor, and just for being who you are – a talented storyteller, coach, teacher and of course… totally kick ass woman!!

Ali Rubinstein, USA

This is a very helpful and most enjoyable course. Having already embarked on writing my memoir, I found that Irene’s techniques opened up fresh avenues for inspiration. Irene is excellent at encouraging you to develop structure.

Wendy Scott, UK

I found the workshop so good; it gave me a structure within which to put together all the bits and pieces of memoires that were floating around in my head. This confusion always gave me the excuse for not starting my memoir.

Eileen Wright, Ireland

It’s been a galvanizing experience. I can hardly wait to get home to continue writing.

Ian Bain, Scotland

The course and workbook are brilliant. I was amazed I was able to uncover so many long forgotten details and experiences. Thank you Irene for your warmth and encouragement and for developing such an effective program!

Prudence Neubert, USA

As a total beginner I felt the workshop gave me a much needed confidence boost. I not only learnt to hear and recognize my own writing voice, but I learnt to trust it.

Brendagh D’arcy, Ireland

Thank you so much for coaching me on my story. It was invaluable and I am in the process of rewrites. I can’t thank you enough for your insight and specificity.

Scott Warrender, USA

This course opened me up. It is the definite end of any writer’s block.

Pia de Jong, USA

This workshop was a gift in my life. It provided great reflection for me and removed the mystery of how to go about writing.

Kathy Underhill, USA

I am very clear now about how to write my memoir, and The Memoir Writing Workbook will help me to continue my writing journey.

Niamh Griffin, Ireland

I have attended many memoir courses in my life, none compared to Irene’s workshop. It reined me into a regular writing discipline and helped to organize the mess of story that was in my head. My fear of writing dissipated. I now have belief in my writing ability. And Irene is a lovely helpful person that made my task much easier.

Gabrielle Wolfe, USA

This course was stimulating and exciting. I feel enriched and confident to continue writing my memoirs.

Angela Downes, Ireland

The Memoir Writing Workbook is a writer’s tool, one that I will reference far beyond this course. Irene has found the way to make memoir manageable, creative and engaging for the writer.

Kristin Smith, USA

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