Memoir Writing Masterclass 6-month Online Application Form

Eligibility Status

Contact Details

General Info

Writing Details

Please let us know in apx 500 words the following details about your writing
  • At what stage are you at in the writing process?
  • What would you now like to learn about writing?
  • What are your writing goals?
  • What are you currently writing?
Chat With Irene

You must check the following boxes in order to submit your application

Your privacy is very important to us. We only use the data you submit to us to process your application and will never share it with third parties. To learn more, please read our Privacy Policy

Your application to join the 6-month Memoir Writing Masterclass in The Memoir Writing Club will be processed within 5 days. You will then be notified by email as to the status of your application.

Thank you!