Bring your book to publishing standard with Author and Memoir Coach Irene Graham as your mentor.

Private Memoir Work-in-Progress Writing Classes 3-month Online

Available to writers that have completed either the Online Memoir Writing Course, or a 6-month Memoir Masterclass, or a Memoir Writing Retreat, or have previously worked with Irene Graham.

*Submissions for private classes with Irene are not available at this time.
*If you have previously been in discussion with Irene regarding WIP Private Classes please email her.



Other Writing Opportunities

Memoir Masterclass Online
Our 6-month Memoir Masterclass is limited to 9 participants.  While it is not a ‘private’ class, you do receive ongoing personal attention on all aspects of your manuscript, as well as a private session to structure your personal story and book.
Details HERE


Memoir & Fiction Writing Retreats
Writing Adventures on the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland.
Visit our sister website: The Creative Writer’s Workshop


Teaching Memoir Writing Course
6-month Teaching Memoir Writing Course LIVE Online with Irene Graham.
Discover the art of teaching memoir writing, using right-brain/left-brain writing techniques.
Enhance or start a new career.
More details: HERE


Private Fiction & Autobiographical Fiction Writing Course Online
Details HERE

In her memoir writing course and private classes, Irene helped me find my voice, structure my story and find joy in the writing process. I feel privileged to have had the benefit of her expertise, encouragement and kindness when writing my memoir – All in a Doctor’s Day

Dr. Lucia Gannon, Ireland

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